Vision & Mission



-::  Vision  ::--

Our Institute where design  and social research device approaches to studying issue of our time , such as democracy , urbanization , technological  change , economic employer meetsustainability, migration , and globalization.

We will be the best  intellectual and  creative centre for effective education and engagement in a world that increasingly demands better designed objects communication systems and organizations to meet social heeds.

Our Vision aligns with shifts in the global economy , society and environment , which animates our mission and our values.

“Knowledge is the Supreme Power”

Kkua ijea cye~

-::  Mission  ::--

The mission of Kamlakant Shukla Institute is to educate the young buds, young leader, for our society. We do this through our commitment to the transformative power of a teacher Commerce, Teacher Education , Computer Education , Arts & Science Education.

To create a transformative educational experience or students focused or deep Disciplinary Knowledge , Problem Solving , Leadership Communication and Interpersonal health and well-being.

From this we hope that students will begin to fashion there lives by  gaining a sense of what they want to do with their gifts and talents , assessing their values and interests and learning how they can best serve the world.

